Saturday, July 24, 2021

Shabby Chic Bunting

 Making some bunting to brighten up a colour bond fence at work, it is painted Mission Brown and IT. IS. DRAB. I found a good selection of sheets, pillow cases and a couple of pairs of old pyjamas (used the legs only) Turns out the sheet was the easiest to cut the pattern from - that is the stripe-y one, so I used that one more than all the others. In hindsight I could have cut it so that on some of the pennants the stripes ran horizontally instead of all vertical, it would have added more variety without much time !

Some of the pennants I had to sew together, then I worked out to fold them and then cut them which saved a step. The pillow cases made 6 pennants each and I had 6 different ones, 2 pyjama legs also gave me 6 flags and the sheet gave heaps as it was a single, I cut 18 from it. I still have most of it left - a vintage flannelette number that I got for 20c as it was in the Dog Blanket section of St Vinnies ! I put the template on the fold or seam of the pillowcases to try to avoid sewing as much as possible, but I only worked this out after a while and unfortunately had to sew about 10 together in the end....ah well....lesson learned for next time.

I had originally planned to sew them all onto the rope, but dumped that plan really fast when I realised I had 60 pennants to sew. Hemming tape was the answer because I had a good stash of that ! I just folded the pennants over the rope and ironed on a strip of tape underneath the rope to glue both sides of the pennant together, I did another blob of tape on the apex as well so that they didn't separate in the wind. I got a bit involved in this step and forgot to take a photo.....ooops !

I laid them all out first so that I could see which colours I liked together and also because my rope was pre-cut (a bargain op-shop buy - 6  x 2m lengths for 50c) I had 11 pennants per length and I wanted them to all be different.

I'm happy with that !!

Just wish I had had 1 more length for the bottom panel.

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